Thursday 28 November 2019

7 Tips on How to Not Miss the Bus

India is a nation loaded with sensational scenes, beautiful vistas, delicious nourishment, and brave exercises. Here is a rundown of spots one can investigate on a shoestring spending plan in India.
1) For Intercity transport travel you should choose AC transports that are normally Volvo or Mercedes Benz multi-hub buses which are consistently fit as a fiddle.
2) Avoid non AC intercity transport travel regardless of whether it is sleeper coach.(used by lower white collar class Indians). Additionally open state transport transports are accessible for poor Indians.
3) Avoid transport travel in north India particularly non AC transport. Attempt to book train ticket.AC transports in western and southern India are fit as a fiddle. Indeed, even a portion of the non AC buses are great given you travel in rumored transport organization mentors. To be straightforward it is superior to anything European transport administration. Volvo and Benz AC transports have great leaning back seats and calf support.
4) Also it is critical to realise the transport courses since certain streets in India could be uneven. All state capitals are associated by interstates which mean it will be a smoother ride in a transport. On the off chance that you making a trip to a smaller city, you can anticipate that your ride should be rough as there will be no NH network. For example, Mumbai-Bangalore is associated by freeways. In all honesty, Volvo transport ride could be superior to flight). On the off chance that despite everything you need better administration by transport attempt Hebron Travels.
5) For Intercity train voyage travel in cooled mentors and never travel in open compartment as you won't have the option to get inside the mentor as it will be excessively packed. You can likewise travel First AC where you get private lodge for yourself additionally decent and comfortable inside (cost will be around $50 for 600 mile venture). Presently don't expect the Orient Express administration in First AC. Keep in mind, you are paying $50 for first AC contrasted with 1000 pounds in the Orient Express from London to Zurich which is a similar separation, as you may already know.
In the event that regardless you need something like the Orient Express, there is India. The Maharaja Express, Palace on Wheels, Deccan Odyssey, the Golden Chariot are trains with five star administration ready. The Maharaja Express is granted as second best extravagance train on the planet (it costs $4000 per individual for multi day visit in India).
Presently here is the rundown of India debut trains–> Rajdhani, Shatabdi and Duronto. These train are in every case hit against time. Mumbai, Delhi Rajdhani Express takes 16 hours (800 miles separation).
6) Try to make all appointments online as certain administrators offer total discount of cash on the off chance that you are not content with their administrations. You can book inns and transport ticket through TicketGoose as well. It's sans issue..
7) Another great choice to go around India is occasion bundles from rumored organization on the web. They will orchestrate everything for you and you can simply make the most of your vacation. Simply reach number which is accessible on the web. They will consistently attempt to sham which is the situation for most outside explorers and afterward is by all accounts despondent.
With that, we conclude the second part in the series. We hope you liked reading it as much as we did compiling it!
So, the next time you have a long bus ride or train journey coming up, don’t you allow it to take your trip. Instead, wear your best face and gear up for a joy ride. Book your travel tickets at for exciting offers. We are committed to taking you places so, download the app here
Happy holidays folks! May you go Beyond the Journey, everybody!

Wednesday 28 August 2019

What Makes For a Great Hotel Experience – Ticketgoose

Places of stay, it turns out, aren’t always defined by what you see in the way of sightseeing and tourist attractions. Sometimes, a hotel is best remembered by where you lay your head while resting to sleep. I’ve always liked to look at it as though I’m off on a trip to stay in a new home somewhere. I don’t own it, but does it matter, really?

Just the other day, I was thinking about some very memorable hotel customer service moments and got reminded of TicketGoose.  I don’t usually travel for work, and so I don’t have as many anchors stays as a true road warrior. But, given the increased amount of travel that I had to undertake, I’ve been to a few.  I am typically a pretty low-maintenance hotel guest.  I don’t need much housekeeping, and in fact, we typically keep the do not disturb sign on throughout our stay.  But looking back, I thought I’d share some great customer service examples from different hotel stays over the years. 
Your customers, mind you, are the main focus of your hospitality business, at all times. To succeed, you need happy and delighted customers who will refer your hotel to their friends and acquaintances. Customer reviews play a deciding role when travelers book a hotel or taxi ride. It is but natural, that you need to have the basics in place, such as clean and hygienic facilities and friendly staff to boot. But, how do you get your hotel’s customer service personnel to stand out and make your hotel guests come back for more rests with your innovative initiatives! Memorable experiences depend on relevance, culture, and personalization, of course. To create such an experience, you need to know what your customer wants before he or she even asks for it.

Most business owners tend to think they know their customers. Boy, how wrong could they be! For instance, when was the last time you as a hotelier spoke with your customers and guests about how you can improve your services to their satisfaction?
I once ordered some desserts from room service – gooey chocolate brownies, sticky toffee pudding, and warm apple crumbles; all of which were simply out of the world. The room service personnel assigned to me had asked me beforehand, how I preferred my desserts to be and its accompaniments! That’s the wow experience I’m talking about! The hotel decor was no doubt beautiful, especially at the winter garden area and mind you the check-in process was a breeze through and very guest-friendly. Commendable and recommendable!

The key to figuring out how to extend a memorable experience is to engage with your customers. Customer demands shift from time to time, so make sure to do it on a continuous basis. Ask them what they expect of their stay or what they thought of it and why they picked your hotel in the first place. Your staff is obviously going to play a key role to deliver exceptional hospitality because they interact with guests on a day-to-day basis. Educating them to give proper service is essential. Knowledge of local bus routes goes a long way too. In general, customers always value a personal touch. Make personalization a key part of how your staff interacts with the esteemed guests. And, to ensure that customers get the best service they need when they ask for it, you must give your staff the freedom and responsibility to help them without hindrance. People often underestimate the power of a good customer service experience. Something as straight as a smile can indeed go a long way to brighten up someone’s day and suddenly change their entire perspective on a place or the hotel’s environment.
For example, in settings where the weather allows for the fireplace to be going, it does create a wonderful ambiance for the occupants. Guests who check-in and enter the room, find themselves walking into a stunningly gorgeous fire that’s already lit and inviting with its warmth and glow. They’ll immediately feel-at-home, comfortably snug, and of course, find it welcoming! The little extra touches make all the difference in the world when they are all added together to entwine the guest for a salubrious stay. Guests also want to experience the luxury that they can’t replicate at home because of their busy schedules, hectic professional lives, and a lack of trained cleaning staff at hand.
While we must have the hunger to whip up the best cuisine, the appetite for vegetarianism and veganism is only turning commonplace across the country and worldwide too. And yet, many restaurants and hotels are still to offer a varied vegetarian or vegan menu for the well-traveled. In fact, some venues just stuck on offering side dishes or nothing at all. If a hotel or restaurant wants to avoid such disservice, they need to create a good enough menu with options to mix and match that are of course vegetarian or can be offered with vegan alternatives. When a hotel makes a guest’s stay memorable, they not only make their guests happy, but they also engender a loyal customer base who will not only come back again but also refer others, thereby further improving a hotel’s business.
Just keep in mind, among other things that your hotel customer service needs to be relevant for your guests and their tastes. Test out different alternatives to figure out what satisfies guests the most and make the most of their happiness! Last but not least, keep up a dialogue with guests to understand what they want, and you’re one more step closer to creating a really memorable experience! Here’s a checklist that you can follow for the little things that win the heart: 
1.    Ensure there’s tea, coffee and water in rooms with the minibar.
2.    Place a small welcome gift on the table.
3.    Create a handout on information packages on surrounding areas.
4.    Keep a small treat for kids when families arrive.
5.    Always leave a “Thank You” note on their first and last day (do personalize by using their names).
6.    Try leaving a small treat after cleaning the room every time.
7.    Always cater to your guests’ individual needs. For example, if they go hiking, leave some water bottles and small snacks in their rooms.
8.    Keep a library of books.
9.    Allow early and late check-ins, more so, if you have business travelers.
So, the next time you have a hotel stay cab ride or bus journey coming up, don’t allow it to take your trip. Instead, wear your best face and gear up for a pleasant experience! Book your travel tickets and hotels at for exciting offers. We are committed to taking you places for a beyond the journey experience so, download the app here
Enjoy your stay, folks!

Tuesday 9 July 2019

7 Things to Keep in Mind for an Urgent Trip

They say the best trips are those which are unplanned. But then given the circumstances prevalent today, it’s sometimes a last-minute heads-up about flying out of town on business. On the rare occasion that you end up being the lone ranger, you get to be a free bird and have time for yourself after the whirlwind planning or the lack of it. Well, here’s how not to kick up a storm and get a grip on your trip by booking bus tickets online in

Pack smartly – Bring in clothes that can be worn a couple of times. That way you will be able to pack in more with less. Dark colors typically won’t give out the soiled look. If you plan to hit the gym or go for a walk then just a pair of shorts and vest will do the trick. You can hand them out to dry at night. Another aspect of smart packing is to roll your clothes instead of folding them. In these times of wrinkle-free and Lycra clothing it’s a blessing for your disguise!

Tread with care – When deciding on shoes and slippers, take a semi-formal pair of shoes as they can double up for after-hours clubbing and casual evening strolls. A pair of sandals can do the trick for the nearby walks and when lounging around the resort. It helps carrying minimal footwear as they strangely take up space and poke into other items in the bag.

Plan after you arrive – A popular saying goes that “failing to plan is planning to fail” but it is often seen that it works out well if you chalk out your plan after you touchdown. That way you have a free schedule and can actually take stock of ground conditions

Look out for last minute bus deals – These always have the surprise element advantages across the same routes. So be on the lookout for common bus routes to the destination you are heading to. Chances are, you may run into a juicy deal that will give wings to your plans.

Get a room that you can cancel – Smart deals can be made when you can squeeze in room with your booking agent or the place you usually board. This allows you to cancel your booking or postpone your dates for a later visit. You can always wing it for a better deal.

Ask a native – Its best to reach out to local residents when looking for places to stay and nearby marketplaces where you can stack up on the essentials that you may need during the trip. It also springs up a chance to know things first hand as you glean the information from the horse’s mouth on the real deal.

Do take pills, toiletries and chargers – You can sometimes do without socks or your denims but certain personal care items like cleansing liquid for your contacts, your medications, mobile chargers can be bothersome when forgotten to pack in a hurry. In all probability, these items will be a tad irksome when trying to source from others or head out to buy one for the duration of the trip. Pack in small containers and bottles for your perfumes and aftershave. Tuck in disposable razors as they can be done away without a fuss and bring back some wee bit room. If you plan to grow a stubble during the trip then you are saved from packing the aftershave bottle too. Make sure you have your headphones and chargers. Headphones double up as hands-free when you are on the move and have to take or make calls. It also helps you listen to songs and ward of any nosy parkers who approach you.
So the next time you have a trip lined up a short notice, don’t break into a sweat; instead break into a jig! Take it as it comes and live it up as you make memories and remember the famous quote: It’s not the years that count in your life. It’s the life in your years. Bon voyage!\
Ask Goose ...

Friday 5 July 2019

Get your ETA right – Essential Toiletries Advantage
Who said long haul bus journeys have to be uncomfortable?
Don’t we all aspire to get on the road and enjoy the highway breeze? Bus rides have long evolved from just being a mode of faster transportation for the rich to arriving in style for a business conference or a holiday. Being on the road for long can come with its share of bumps and toll plazas and that’s when you must exhibit your preparedness for the long haul.
All of us become frazzled and go crazy when it comes to long and winding bus journeys; especially when it’s an official trip confirmed at the last juncture. Whereas, when planning for a holiday, an equal amount of jitters takes flight when unsure of what to pack and which ones to let go.
A long haul is typically an 8-10 hour bus ride between destinations which is why choosing the right bus can bring in the assurance of high standards of service, comfort and on-time performance. A thing to note is a lot depends on which location you are starting from and what is the local time when the bus reaches your destination. 
Regular bus travelers possess cant-go-wrong tricks to weather the storm and arrive fresh like lilies off the field. Read on to find out how not to be a frequent crier when you are a frequent rider.

The right food and beverages hold the key
Being comfortable is the claim of the game here so choose wisely what you eat before the journey starts and what you wear during the ride. Long haul bus rides have ample scope to binge-eat on food and snacks, both of which are unfriendly for your tummy and cause a drag on your energy levels. It’s good to have carb-rich foods like whole grain bread, Idlis, fruits and salads. Being in an AC bus, it’s better to avoid coffee and sugary drinks as they tend to keep you awake and make you irritable. Keep yourself hydrated and drink often even if you aren’t thirsty.

Show your smartness with your wardrobe

Now that the troublesome aspects of food and drinks are addressed you’re left wondering how to while away during the long haul. Well, you can pack smartly and wear wrinkle-free comfortable clothing that prevents the haggardly look. Dress in stretchy yoga pants, loose fitting cotton tees and bottoms to feel at home in the bus. Wear sneakers or closed-toed shoes as they are protective and make you feel warm as cabin temperatures can sometimes start acting up. When falling asleep you can take them off and be in your socks as your feet tend to swell during long haul bus rides. Make sure to pack in an eye mask to make you fall asleep easily as light plays a large role on your sleep cycle.
Sleep or gaze – what’s your move?

Try to book a window seat as they come with the advantage of offering a look outside as you gaze at green farmlands or long winding roads that appear lit up like a necklace during nighttime. Window seats also allow you to loll side ward as you stay asleep while not being awakened by someone who bumps on you while walking down the aisle. Pack in a neck pillow to keep you safe and cozy. You may also keep earplugs to avoid waking up on a jarring note to a crying baby.

Load your favorite music and films on your phone and iPad and catch up as you binge-watch them. That way, these long rides can be smooth as you take in the scenery while rocking to your favorite music. For a change, you can also read up on books and magazines that you picked up at the bus terminus before boarding your ride!
Don’t forget to tuck in essential cosmetics to keep you picture perfect for any surprise selfie moment that may arise! Remember to store on moisturizer, lip balm, eye drops, tissues and mints to keep you looking like a breath of fresh air. Mints and candies also help keep your ears from clogging which may lead to a painful eardrum during a ride in an AC bus. 
So, the next time you have a long bus ride coming up, don’t allow it to take your trip. Instead, wear your best face and gear up for a joy ride. Book your bus tickets at  for exciting offers. We are committed to taking you places .
Happy journey!

Wednesday 30 January 2019

Beautiful Coastal City

Mangalore is a beautiful coastal city in the west coast of India. The city is surrounded by Arabian Sea in the west and Western Ghats in the east! Sandwiching between these two opposite geologies gives Mangalore a unique flavour. Mangalore is also a part of Konkan region where Konkani is spoken. The city also borders Kerala. The city is an amalgam of different cultures and exploring the city is a breath of fresh air. Mangalore is easily accessible from Kannur, kasargod from south, Mysuru & Bengaluru from East and Goa and Mumbai from North. Bus ticket bookings to Mangalore can be booked via . It is the largest online bus ticket booking portal in India.
Some important places to visit in Mangalore are
Mangaladevi Temple

Mangaladevi Temple is the prominent temple in Mangalore and the city got its name from the diety of this temple “Mangaladevi”. The temple is believed to be built by Kundavarman, the most famous king of the Alupa dynasty during the 9th century. The temple is built in Kerala architecture.The daily timings of opening of the temple is from 6 hrs to 10 hrs, 12 hrs to 13 hrs and 16 hrs pm to 20 hrs.
Sultan Battery

Sultan Battery is a watch tower constructed by Tip Sultan in 1784. It was built of black stones and constructed to stop war ships from entering the river which was the major route for English invasion. But it was later captured by British. The place was a dock and an arsenal for the ruler. The view from top of the tower gives a panoramic view of Arabian Sea gives a blend of natural and man made beauty.
Pilikula Nisargadhama

Pilikula Nisargadhama is a multipurpose tourist place. The place got its name from Tulu, meaning “the tiger lake”. Tigers used to come to this lake to drink water. The place is filled with may attractions like Botanical Garden, Arboretum, Zoo,3D Planetarium, water park and a golf course. Visiting this place is a wholesome experience.
Tannirbhavi Beach

Tannirbhavi Beach is the most important beach of Mangalore overlooking Arabian Sea. The beach is at a close proximity to Panambur beach. The beach is well equipped space with facilities like life guards, toilets, a parking lot and benches. A tree park called Tannirbhavi Tree Park is setup near to the beach in an area of 15 hectares.
Mangalore is a must visit place in the life time. The place where varied culture meet and a mix of natural and manmade beauties makes the place worth the visit. Book bus tickets online in in vrl travelsSRS Travels, anyone go to visit the place and get more bus ticket offers.

See more at ;

Places to visit in Belgaum

Tuesday 22 January 2019

The Queen Of Konkan Region

Mangalore is a beautiful coastal city in the west coast of India. The city is surrounded by Arabian Sea in the west and Western Ghats in the east! Sandwiching between these two opposite geologies gives Mangalore a unique flavour. Mangalore is also a part of Konkan region where Konkani is spoken. The city also borders Kerala. The city is an amalgam of different cultures and exploring the city is a breath of fresh air. Mangalore is easily accessible from Kannur, kasargod from south, Mysuru & Bengaluru from East and Goa and Mumbai from North. Bus tickets to Mangalore can be booked via . It is the largest online bus booking portal in India.

Some important places to visit in Mangalore are

Mangaladevi Temple

Mangaladevi Temple is the prominent temple in Mangalore and the city got its name from the diety of this temple "Mangaladevi". The temple is believed to be built by Kundavarman, the most famous king of the Alupa dynasty during the 9th century. The temple is built in Kerala architecture.The daily timings of opening of the temple is from 6 hrs to 10 hrs, 12 hrs to 13 hrs and 16 hrs pm to 20 hrs.

Sultan Battery

Sultan Battery is a watch tower constructed by Tip Sultan in 1784. It was built of black stones and constructed to stop war ships from entering the river which was the major route for English invasion. But it was later captured by British. The place was a dock and an arsenal for the ruler. The view from top of the tower gives a panoramic view of Arabian Sea gives a blend of natural and manmade beauty.

Pilikula Nisargadhama

Pilikula Nisargadhama is a multipurpose tourist place. The place got its name from Tulu, meaning "the tiger lake". Tigers used to come to this lake to drink water. The place is filled with may attractions like Botanical Garden, Arboretum, Zoo,3D Planetarium, water park and a golf course. Visiting this place is a wholesome experience.

Tannirbhavi Beach

Tannirbhavi Beach is the most important beach of Mangalore overlooking Arabian Sea. The beach is at a close proximity to Panambur beach. The beach is well equipped space with facilities like life guards, toilets, a parking lot and benches. A tree park called Tannirbhavi Tree Park is setup near to the beach in an area of 15 hectares.

Mangalore is a must visit place in the life time. The place where varied culture meet and a mix of natural and manmade beauties makes the place worth the visit. Book bus tickets online in and visit the place.

Friday 18 January 2019

Bus Ticket Offers

Bus Ticket offers

For the best offers in Online Bus ticket Booking ticket goose is the best option to book your tickets and you get the tickets at low cost.

TicketGoose is a leading bus ticketing portal, provides best bus booking services. It serves more than 3000 destinations.

Bus ticket booking is very easy in ticket goose find the bus, select the seat and pay online, if you want to low fares choose different operators

Book your bus tickets in TicketGoose for easy booking of your bus tickets. TicketGoose provides best offers on your bus ticket bookings.

TicketGoose, India’s leading online bus ticket booking portal is known nation-wide for its marvelous deals and offers in the bus transportation sector. Book your bus tickets in TicketGoose to avail best offers.

Turmeric city

Erode also called as turmeric city is the seventh largest urban agglomeration among the South Indian states. With a close aproximity to Tripur, it is also called as Textile city. The city is established on the banks of Kaveri. Erode is among the largest producers of turmeric, hand-loom and knitwear, food products. The city is of historical importance and it has places which are a must visit! Erode is easily accessible through bus from Coimbatore or Chennai or Banglore. You can look into all available routes through Now we will see some important places in and around Erode to explore!

Sathyamangalam Tiger Reserve

Sathyamangalam Tiger Reserve is a tiger reserve along the Western Ghats in the Erode. The place was declared as a wildlife sanctuary in 2008. It was later expanded in 2011. It has a forest cover of 1,411.6 km2 (545.0 sq mi) and is the largest wildlife sanctuary in Tamil Nadu. The sanctuary has a wide diverse fauna. It has 40+ large mammal species, 30+ reptile species and 200+ aviaries. It has the largest elephant habitat in India. Some other animals include slender loris, sloth bear, civet, hyena, jackal, otter, mongoose, wild boar, blackbuck, barking deer, spotted deer, sambar etc. Some of the rare birds include white backed vulture, brown fish owl, woodpecker etc.

Vellode Bird Sanctuary

Vellode Birds Sanctuary is sanctuary in Erode. It is a large lake surrounded by dark bushes. The area is about .772 km2 (0.298 sq mi). The sanctuary has thousands of birds migrating from different places. The best time to visit the sanctuary is from November to March, as it the season for migrating of birds. Observatory towers are built to see the birds around the lake. The sanctuary is 15 km away from central bus stand and it is easily accessible.

Cauvery River

Erode is one of the places where we can admire the beauty of cavery river. From erode bus stand, the river is just 5 km away. It is in erode where Bhavani river merges with kaveri. The exact location is Kooduthurai or Mukkoodal. It is also a holy place. It is home for Sangameswarar Temple, Bhavani where it is believed that the mystic Sarasvati River also joins the confluence.

Thanthai Periyar Anna Memorial House

Thanthai Periyar Anna memorial house is the ansistry house of E.V. Ramasamy. Periyar Memorial House is situated in Periyar Street.Periyar Memorial House is a historical place which contains the photos of E.V. Ramaswamy Periyar and Anna Durai the occasions of their political gathering. The place also houses the articles utilized by him.
Erode, sitting to the edge of western ghats is a beautiful place to be one with the nature. You can look into all available routes through and visit the place at your ease.

Best Places to Visit in Chennai

Monday 7 January 2019

Interesting facts on Road Transportation in India

Roads are the artillery of a country. The Indian road transportation is right now standing at the cross roads of technological development. While some parts of the country are well connected, many parts do not have well developed roads and the roads are least maintained. The road transportation also counts the development and advancement of motor vehicle industry. Let us see how much the road transportation has changed in India Bus Ticket Bookings!
Motor vehicles in India are low as per international standards. There are only 24.85 million cars in India as per 2013 records. About 21 percent of households have two wheelers whereas only 4.7 percent of households in India have cars or jeep or vans. as per the 2011 Census. Interestingly, the number of deaths caused by traffic is amongst the highest in the world and it is increasing.
But on the positive side, the automobile industry in India is currently rapidly growing with an annual production of over 4.6 million vehicles, with an annual growth rate of 10.5% and vehicle volume is expected to rise greatly in the future.
Buses are an important means of public transport in India. Due to the significant amount of population uses bus travel, urban bus transport is often owned and operated by public agencies, and most state governments operate bus services through a State Road Transport Corporation. Along with public companies, there are many private bus fleets. As per 2012 reports, there were 131,800 publicly owned buses in India, but 1,544,700 buses owned by private companies. Still, the share of buses is negligible in most Indian cities as compared to personalised vehicles, and two-wheelers and cars account for more than 80 percent of the vehicle population in most large cities And Online Bus Ticket Booking.
Indian highways has the total length of 33 lakhs kilometres combining all the expressways, and other rural and district roads. There are over 200 national highways and their total length is around 92,800 kilometres. The total length of state highways round 1,31,899 kilometres. Only a mere 1.7% of all the roads constitute of national highways, yet they control 40% of road traffic in the country. Traffic is increasing at an average pace of 10.16% per annum over the last five years.
The smallest national highway, running from Ernakulam to Kochi Port, is NH47A with a mere length of 6 kilometres. NH7 is the longest national highway. It runs from Kanyakumari to Varanasi and has a length of 2369 kilometres.
5. Bharat Stage emission standardsBus Ticket Offers
Bharat stage emission standards (BSES) are emission standards instituted by the Government of India to regulate the pollutants that comes from internal combustion engines. These standards are based on European regulations. Since October 2010, Bharat Stage (BS) III norms have been enforced across the country. The phasing out of 2-stroke engine for two wheelers, the cessation of production of Maruti 800 & introduction of electronic controls are due to these regulations based on BSES and Bus Ticket Offers.

7 Tips on How to Not Miss the Bus

India is a nation loaded with sensational scenes, beautiful vistas, delicious nourishment, and brave exercises. Here is a rundown of spot...