Friday 20 October 2017

Foods to Pack when Travelling!

Food and Travel go hand in hand. The way you plan for your journey, your desire of booking bus tickets in your favorite fleet operator and the season you look for, sails in the same boat with the choice of food you take in your travel as your tiresome journey needs some refreshments and drinks to not keep you dehydrated. With these thoughts whirling up your mind, it is better to scroll down to get an idea of what you can pack for your travel.
Rather than hitting your nearest mart for the purchase of never-ending supply of junk, pack good for you and the best meals or snacks like;
1. Biscuits & Roasted Nuts-
Who doesn’t like biscuits and its varied tongue- tickling flavors? A book in one hand and a small bite of biscuit on turning every page just let you feel elated. The next on-road munchers are the roasted nuts that are energy boosters and the savior of deep hunger. When you are very much in need of food, it is nothing better than grabbing a pack of nuts.
2. Fruits & Salads-
If you are planning for something healthier then your snack box should have slices of fruits and salads. You can carry melons and cherries as these are nutritious and fresh veggies like carrots and cucumber as these do not spoil fast and can make you feel light. Other items which you can carry are; Greek Yogurt, Cheese slices, and Snack Bars.
3. Sprouts-
Nothing more nutritious can be than having a bowl of sprouts that lets you stay active for a very long time and it is one of the smart ways of alleviating hunger than indulging in junk foods.
4. Sandwich-
Who doesn’t like sandwiches? You can add any veggies inside to make it a delicious meal and moreover carrying it will be the best option as it is an easy and healthy snack on your long hours of travel.
So, miss nothing from here and if you feel something else to be more nutritious, carry it without any hesitation. Happy Going!!

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