Monday 17 September 2018

Fly High in Bangalore- Parasailing

If you have no fear, then your destination is here. Yup, start flying by parasailing in Bangalore coz the sky is not the limit, it’s the destination. I, along with my friends will always set out to various destinations and we have planned for a vacation to Bangalore, at the same time to test and overcome our fear we planned to reach the heights of the sky by parasailing in Bangalore. Yup, at first it was more terrible and after reaching heights it was an amazing experience suddenly found myself as air filled. I will share about my parasailing experience that I had in Bangalore. If you are in Bangalore, don’t miss out this amazing experience.
“Start Overcome Your Fear coz Fear Limits you and Your Vision”
Book your bus tickets to Bangalore at low cost and make your journey happy by booking in Ticket Goose.
Yup, the flying journey was set on with all the instructions given by an experienced instructor that took me throughout the guidelines on the flying techniques. While, I was trying hard to absorb them, but the butterflies in my stomach were disturbing me. Soon, they made me get into the parasail’s harness and safely tethered me to the jeep. The jeep began to move and I could feel myself soar slowly in the sky. I could realise myself that I started flying high and regretted to open my eyes , then after sometimes I opened my eyes gently and had a look below and everything that I spotted were like miniatures. By then, I had realised flying in plane is different from flying in open sky by yourself is totally different. When I was soaring in the sky, I was feeling very lite and excited. The time flew away and it’s time to get back into land and I was eager to convey thanks for this out of world experience.
Expense for Parasailing
Starts from 625 onwards for single person and the weight should be below 100kg
1100 for two people and the weight of two people should be below 125kg.
Try out this experience in Bangalore; for sure you will be enjoying this adventure activity. Parasailing is for everyone even children can also enjoy. Just give a try you will love to fly. Trust me, if I can do it, anybody can do it, including you.
Plan your weekend towards Bangalore and start enjoying this amazing adventurous activity with your friends, beloved ones by booking bus tickets online in which is said to be a vast online bus ticket bookingportal in travel industry.

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