Tuesday 12 September 2017

The Proximate Neighbour of Kishkinda- Hampi

With a river flowing across and defensible hills on either side, this place in the Northern region of Karnataka was once a legendary and spectacular land that can now be dotted as an absurd terrain. Hampi(now in ruins) to a greater extent has an efficacious impact on religious grounds, right from the Tungabhadra river to Heamakuta and Pampakshetra to Pampa Sarovar. Though these names sound unfamiliar to you every place referred above has been known for mythical events whose sayings goes by;
Hampi’s Origin-
Initially, Hampi was named Pampa, an ancient name referring the river Tungabhadra. Pampa was actually the daughter of Lord Brahma and a devotee of Lord Shiva. Seeing her die-hard devotion, Lord Shiva gave her a boon and she decided to marry him and thus the place was called as Pampakshetra; the land of Pampa and the Lord as Pampapathi. During their marriage, gods showered gold from heaven and so the hill is called as Hemakuta; meaning a heap of gold. Also, this hill is the place where Lord Shiva did his penance before marriage.
Things to See-
  1. Vittala Temple- This is one of the highlighted ruins of Hampi whose construction was started during the reign of Krishnadevaraya but was never completed. It is located approximately 2km from the Hampi Bazaar. There is a stone chariot holding the idols of Lord Vishnu and Garuda.
2. Virupaksha Temple- It is one of the oldest structures and the working temple of the century that was constructed in 1442 with a gopuram that is 50m high. This temple is dedicated to Virupaksha, an incarnation of Lord Shiva.
3. Coracle Boating- Another not to be missed activity is Coracle Boating where there are bowl shaped boats running across the Tungabhadra river which take you to Anagundi. Anagundi is known as the birthplace of Hanuman.
Kishkinda and Ramayana are closely related to each other. In the epic of Ramayana, Kishkinda is portrayed as the monkey kingdom besides Hampi and the Anjenaya Hill which is located close to the river is believed to be the birth place of Hanuman.
So, when are you planning to take off?

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