Thursday 30 November 2017

Must-Visit Places in Gujarat!

Gujarat- The state in the Northwestern region of India is known for its artistic excellence; from famous shrines and legendary forts to grand palaces to parks. It is the feeling that one gets on visiting this grandeur that allures the visitors in re-visiting again and again. Everything; from temples to popular attractions that it holds off, makes a traveler’s weekend trip worthy. You all might have heard of that one destination that’s just not a destination but the most popular pilgrimage site of the Hindus; the Dwaraka.
If you are planning to visit this place, then we have narrowed down the list of places that are worth a trip starting with;
1. Great Rann of Kutch-
It is the nation’s largest salt marsh, indeed one of the largest salt deserts in the world, located in the Thar Desert of Gujarat that seems to have no ending and looks like a long stretch of wetland that’s a sight to behold. Guess, what’s the dimension of this marsh? You wouldn’t believe, it’s 7502 square kilometers. When you visit here, you will get a glimpse of some fascinating villages and hills surrounding this long swamp of salt.
2. Dwaraka-
Dwaraka is a city in the Northwestern region of Gujarat that was once believed to be the birthplace of Lord Krishna. It is because of this; this place is known as a pilgrimage site and is most- frequently visited by many Hindus. Fact says that the city that was once ruled by Lord Krishna was found underwater. But, this to be a myth or a reality is still unknown. The Dwara temple owns a carved entrance with the black stone idol of Lord Krishna. There is also a lighthouse here known as Dwaraka Lighthouse that is known to offer a great view of the giant Arabian Sea.
3. Patan and Modhera-
Patan and Modhera are two major sites of great cultural heritages depicting the Solanki architecture. In close proximity to Ahmedabad, these two cities can keep you engaged for a day. The Solanki rule in Gujarat is remarked as a golden period rule because it is during this period, many famous architectures were erected. The spectacular part here is the Sun Temple; three different elements aligned centrally to an axis and a stepwell.
Thus, these places should not be missed in a lifetime and to head right away, make your bus ticket bookings to Gujarat in either Sree Patel TravelsSRS or VRL Travels.

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